Friday, September 7, 2007

Who Cares?

As I watch the news this morning (Fox) and peruse all my online news portals, it appears to be a slow news day. It makes me wonder what Grand Poobah decides what makes the news. Whoever it is, I'm sure they work at the Associated Press because all the news outlets take their "reporting" from the talking points of the AP feed every day. Doesn't any news channel do independent reporting and research anymore?

I detest that everything now is a "news alert". Does anyone remember when a news alert would stop you in your tracks wherever you were in the house and make you pay attention to the news? It meant something really BIG was happening. Always in the back of your mind, the thought "It's the Russians" would wiggle when you heard the networks break in with "Breaking News". Of course, more than likely it would be a tornado warning or an airplane crash or something. Now, a news alert can be something as inconsequential as Paris Hilton breaking a heel as she comes out of rehab. (Yes, I used "Paris Hilton" and "inconsequential" in the same sentence - imagine that.)

I'm a news junkie - I'll admit it. I just wish there was better smack to feed my brain with than the continuous drivel that the 24/7 newsies pour out.

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